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We will return to our regularly scheduled posting soon, but one final roundup on the Colts.
From CNNSI: How the Indianapolis Colts changed my life.
Bears fan to change his name to Peyton Manning.
The Colts will have salary cap problems in 2007. Don Banks thinks that no other team is worse off under the cap.
Over 93 million people watched the Super Bowl, which made it the second most watched game and third overall program (behind the final episode of M*A*S*H) in US television history.
They're still bitching in Baltimore. By the way, the Colts have to travel to Baltimore on the road again in the next regular season. We get to host the Patriots.
Finally, there are some Pacers in trouble again. Jamal Tinsley and Marquis Daniels really need to stay away from the Westside of town. Both played last night and Tinsley played fairly well (until he blew the chance to win it) in spite of the boos. He denies striking the manager of the club, but a security guard who worked that night called into a local radio station today and said that he saw Tinsley being the aggressor in the confrontation and punching him.
Ya know, I rather liked that episode of M*A*S*H... woukld like to see it again sometime.
(lemming ducks, fully aware that she has committed heresy)
that Make It Personal story is very touching and heartfelt.....kinda made me wanna throw up a little :-)
I'm done with the Pacers. They are a bunch of fucking thugs.
(Except Jermaine O'Neal. He has always been very polite to me and when I did a show in his club, he they took really good care of us).
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