Hostettler/Ellsworth on Kos
This is a comprehensive analysis of the "Bloody 8th" district Congressional race between Sheriff Brad Ellsworth and Representative John Hostettler. The column is a good source of Hostettler's voting history. He is not a rubber stamp Republican. He voted against the war, against the repeal of the estate tax and against the Defense of Marriage Act, but for the wrong reasons (except possibly the war vote). The post also mentions one of his attack ads where he plays upon the fears of the socially conservative southwestern Indiana folk. The word "liberal" is used five times in one paragraph of commercial attack ad. He has tried to tie Sheriff Ellsworth to "Washington liberals" or well-known "liberals" like Nancy Pelosi. When asked if his constituents know who Pelosi is. He replied, "They know where San Francisco is". Nice!
Jesus sed the Rapture gonna start right th'are in San Fransisco!
I left my heart in San Fransisco
I left a fart in San Francisco
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