Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Random thoughts on the RNC

I spent most of the night watching the US Open, but:

--I never would have thought they would be cheering Bill Clinton's Presidency at the Republican National Convention, but Joe Lieberman accomplished that if nothing else.

--It seems that all of the Republican figures who were interviewed tonight were given notecards with positive talking points about Sarah Palin.

--According to Fred Thompson, John McCain once dated a stripper from Florida, which is a strange thing to point out about a Presidential nominee.

--I am glad they reminded me that John McCain was a POW. I almost forgot. I cannot fathom what it must have been like for him to suffer as a POW for 5 years. He is a man strong resolve and I admire him for this, but it doesn't qualify him to be President. Just for the record, one of my little league coaches was also a Vietnam POW, but he was also a child molester.

--Will there be blood on the streets of St. Paul? The police are firing smoke bombs, tear gas and concussion grenades at protesters.

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