Monday, January 16, 2006

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

At some point today, I will hear Dr. King's moving words uttered in 1963 in front of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington D.C. The media will talk about about his contribution to the civil rights era and rightly so. That is the legacy of Dr. King that has been safely co-opted and enshrined as part of the national myth. What will be omitted of course is his advocacy for the poor and his strident anti-war speeches. Dr. King spoke so eloquently in the years before his death about the need for social justice in this country. He called for greater redistribution of wealth and more economic equality. He was appalled by the paucity of social spending in contrast to the seemingly endless budget for the military and war. He spoke out against the Vietnam War, our Latin American policy which favored the elite, and our foreign policy which supported cruel dictators. He called the United States "the greatest purveyor of violence in the world today" and asked for change. We listened to him about civil rights, but we did listen to him about poverty and war?


Blogger Moulton said...

A better speech to have listened to yesterday was the one by Al Gore (requires RealPlayer with broadband).

January 17, 2006  
Blogger lemming said...

Gore's speech was awfully good.

I think that in some ways we are even more segregated now than we were 40 years ago - what would MLK have said about the Super Dome, Katrina and the Ninth Ward?

Cokie Roberts has argued that the jerrymandering and restructuring of electoral districts contributes to Congressional apathy in race and racism. Where once many districts had a significant number of minority voters who could demand attention, the new lines mean than they can be ignored.

January 17, 2006  
Blogger torporindy said...

I am not a big fan of cokie roberts, but I agree with her there.

January 17, 2006  

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