Monday, April 10, 2006

Hostettler finds his issue

John Hostettler has appeared vulnerable in almost every election since his defeat of the late, great Frank McCloskey in 1992. He has given his enemies plenty of fodder from his comments about the right to possess nuclear arms, linking abortion and breast cancer and his handgun arrest at a Louisville airport. This year, he is facing his most formidable opponent (Vanderburgh Co. Sheriff Brad Ellsworth) in the past few elections. He is obviously nervous, but I think he has found his issue to galvanize the rural southwestern Indiana citizens who provide the votes to elect him year after--immigration. He appeared as a guest columnist in yesterday's Indianapolis Star.

I am from southwestern Indiana and I hate to admit that his hardline approach, which blames illegal immigration from everything from American job losses to 9/11 will resonate with a lot of voters from that area. This may be the issue he needs to deflect all of the criticism away from his other extreme policies and his decision to vote against Katrina aid.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey, it's one of the biggest reason the KKK was the largest "social" organization in Indiana in the 20s. Everyone fears some big bad (name your immigrant group, throw in some religious prejudice here) taking their jobs.

I bet he'll be recycling old Oberweiss (also known hereabouts as "Uberwhite") talking points.

April 10, 2006  
Blogger torporindy said...

It's funny that John Hostetler's staff reads this blog. I used to find searches for "hostettler" from Now, they search just "torporindy". I don't know why they just don't bookmark it.

April 14, 2006  

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