Wednesday, May 23, 2007

All is not well in Pacer land

The Pacers had less than one percent chance to retain their pick in the lottery. They had to get one of the top three spots or they forfeited the pick to Atlanta because of the Al Harrington trade. The Pacers' pick fell to 11 and as a result fell to Atlanta.

Things have gotten so bad even out of work coaches don't want any part of this train wreck. Stan Van Gundy turned down the Pacers today. So the search for the next coach of the Pacers continues.

So the Pacers organization wants an authoritarian who would immediately spike fan interest again. Here's a curious thought, why not the General himself: Bobby Knight.


Blogger Timmy said...

hell ya! Bring back Bobby! That would be awesome!

PS -- started a new blog, stop by and see me!

May 24, 2007  
Blogger Smartypants said...

Bobby throws chairs.

May 24, 2007  
Blogger torporindy said...

"The Pacers are a great organization," he said. "The best thing about the whole situation was the people." Van Gundy

Right, then why turn it down?

May 25, 2007  

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