Is it really that bad?

Before I clicked there was little doubt in my mind which would rank number one: the city of broad shoulders itself-- Chicago. But I was a little taken back by the ranking of my adopted hometown of Indianapolis. Now I know it is only a web site and only some random yahoos' opinions but I have to tell you everyone seemed to put Indianapolis near the bottom. Heck some even put Indy's skyline behind Des Moines and Omaha. Really?
Now don't get me wrong, I have always dreamed of a larger skyline. But I have never found Indy's skyline to be that pathetic. Maybe I am blinded because of my love for all things Indiana. Or maybe I am still ticked off at that Mass-holes comment about coming to Boston and being in awe of all the skyscrapers. Really dude that skyline is weak.
I mean seriously. Indianapolis has the largest building between Chicago and Atlanta, isn't that worth something?
But sadly not since the Chase Tower has Indy built a building that is awe inspiring. The Conrad. It's nice but stands at around 23 stories. The Simon building? Under 20 stories. It is also a little suburban but I have grown to like it over the last few months.
I do have room for hope. There is a 25 story mixed use building planned across the Fieldhouse. A 25 story mixed use building is planned for around Lucus Oil Stadium. The new convention hotel will stand at 30 stories. And the old MSA lot should have a building that would shore up the East side of downtown.
After that building spree maybe just maybe we can find ourselves in the same conversation as Omaha.